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Mon, Mar 7
Dear comrades,
Find attached the urgent statement on the arrest of the Ukrainian comrades and the call for solidarity and protests to make pressure.
Please, share with us all the actions you do to amplify your solidarity.
The First Secretary of our Ukrainian member organisation, the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich, and his brother, Aleksander Kononovich, have been arrested by the Ukrainian neo-fascist regime during the last hours. They have been accused of being Russian and Belarusian spies. They will be possibly murdered in the following hours.
The World Federation of Democratic Youth calls its member organisations and the whole youth and people worldwide to denounce this situation, to demand their liberty and to protest against the Ukrainian neo-fascist regime to make pressure to detain their murder.
El primer secretario de nuestra organización miembro ucraniana, la Unión de la Juventud Comunista Leninista de Ucrania, Mikhail Kononovich, y su hermano, Aleksander Kononovich, han sido detenidos por el régimen neofascista ucraniano en las últimas horas. Han sido acusados de ser espías rusos y bielorrusos. Posiblemente serán asesinados en las próximas horas.
La Federación Mundial de la Juventud Democrática llama a sus organizaciones miembro y a toda la juventud y pueblos del mundo a denunciar esta situación, a exigir su libertad y a protestar contra el régimen neofascista ucraniano para que mediante esta presión logremos detener su asesinato.
kolay yemek tarifleri
bruh they gotta fight a titan this time ? pls Tappei just end this already
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