Read Time: 3 minutes        Revolutionary Government Statement The Revolutionary Government denounces the more than 60 years of the economic, commercial and financial blockade formally imposed by the U.S. on February 3, 1962. On this…

" /> Sixty years ago today, a Presidential Proclamation formalized the criminal U.S. blockade against Cuba The Best News Platform -

Sixty years ago today, a Presidential Proclamation formalized the criminal U.S. blockade against Cuba

Read Time: 3 minutes

Revolutionary Government Statement

The Revolutionary Government denounces the more than 60 years of the economic, commercial and financial blockade formally imposed by the U.S. on February 3, 1962. On this date, then President John F. Kennedy issued Proclamation 3447, which decreed a total “embargo” on trade with our country under section 620 (a) of the Foreign Assistance Act, thus formalizing the aggressive, unilateral economic actions taken against Cuba since the Revolution triumphed.
Since then, the policy of encirclement and economic asphyxiation has been consolidated as the central axis of a strategy meant to restrict the legitimate right of Cubans to defend our sovereignty and forge an emancipatory project, without imperialist domination.
The main justification used by the U.S. at the time, to support implementation of the measure, was Cuba’s relationship with socialist countries, which allegedly violated “the principles of the inter-American system” and threatened U.S. and hemispheric security. Over time, the pretexts have varied, but the intent remains the same.
The most precise definition of the true objectives of U.S. policy toward Cuba policy had been stated previously, in a memorandum from Under Secretary of State Lester D. Mallory, dated April 6, 1960, which recommended fomenting, “disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship… denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”
The blockade has evolved to become the most complex, prolonged and inhumane act of economic warfare committed against any nation. Its impact has limited the possibilities of economic development, being designed to prevent trade relations with third countries, hinder banking and financial operations as much as possible, limit foreign investment and cut off all sources of income.
It is an essentially extraterritorial policy, in violation of international law, which seeks, through pressure, coercion and punitive measures, to isolate Cuba and punish those who establish any economic, commercial and financial relations with the country. It is the practical expression of the Monroe Doctrine in the 21st century, which views Latin America and the Caribbean from the perspective of an owner, whether it be the “back or front yard.”
The blockade has never had the slightest trace of legitimacy or moral justification.
It constitutes a massive, flagrant and systematic violation of the human rights of all Cubans. It qualifies as an act of genocide under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
To justify the blockade, the U.S. government feels obliged to use lies and hide its criminal impact, promoting and financing a campaign intended to sell the idea that the effects of the blockade are not real, that they do not really harm the Cuban economy, that they are not a significant problem for our development or economic stability. This is a falsehood that is disseminated by powerful media at the service of imperialism and digital networks designed to influence the thinking of many, even that of some compatriots.
The accumulated damages over these six decades have surpassed 144,413,400,000 dollars at current prices.
Since 2019, coercive economic measures have become qualitatively more aggressive. Unconventional warfare methods are being utilized, inappropriate in peacetime, in an effort to deprive Cuba of fuel supplies.
In the context of the COVID-19 battle, the tightening of the blockade has reached unimaginable limits of cruelty, obstructing solidarity donations, attempting to hinder the development of Cuban vaccines and limit access to medicines and basic supplies. During the pandemic, and throughout these 60 years, the blockade has had an incalculable human cost and several generations have felt it in the flesh.
The strengths of the Cuban socialist system and the unity of our people have made this possible, in spite of the blockade, preventing the economic and social collapse it seeks, achieving outstanding human development, according to indices recognized by the United Nations, ensuring unquestionable progress in social justice and conducting a gradual transformation of our economic and productive structures in search of sustainable development. Given this reality, one might ask how many small, underdeveloped economies could have survived aggression of such proportions.
This policy of economic encirclement has met with practically unanimous and universal rejection. In addition to overwhelming support for the resolution passed every year by the United Nations General Assembly, individuals, organizations and institutions around the world make constant demands and organize actions to condemn the blockade, including within the United States itself.
Since 1959, thirteen Presidents have occupied the White House. In all cases, with some subtle differences, the permanent commitment has been maintained to provoke the economic collapse and the unsustainability of our revolutionary project, through the strict imposition of the blockade. It would seem that 60 years have not been enough for its promoters to understand that the objectives have not, and will not be attained.
The Revolutionary Government, on behalf of the Cuban people, emphatically and energetically demands, once again, the lifting of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the U.S. Our condemnation will remain firm and invariable, until this inhuman, illegal policy is ended, in its entirety.

Havana, February 3, 2022

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