Palestine Solidarity Groups Welcome South African Government Support for the Cultural Boycott of Apartheid Israel!

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14 November 2021

The Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League, Palestinian Solidarity Alliance, SAJFP and PSC, members of the South African BDS Coalition, welcome the decision taken by government to withdraw their support for the Miss South Africa Organization participating in the Miss Universe pageant, to be held this December in apartheid Israel.

It is indeed a proud moment for all South Africans to witness our government reflecting the will of the South African people by taking action to uphold the cultural boycott in support of the Palestinian people in their liberation struggle.

While initially labelled a ‘small but vocal group’, the Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League and a number of organizations have come forward in support of the cultural boycott of the apartheid state of Israel. We welcome the initiative taken by Chief Mandla Mandela and the support from various organizations including the ANCWL, EFF, ANCYL, SACP and others who have demonstrated their commitment to freedom and justice for the oppressed people of Palestine.

The parallels between apartheid Israel and apartheid South Africa are striking while the role of a cultural boycott is vital in dismantling Israel’s normalization campaign. Mirroring the words of Archbishop Tutu in his previous support for the cultural boycott of Israel: just as we said during apartheid that it was inappropriate for international artists to perform in South Africa in a society founded on discriminatory laws and racial exclusivity, so it would be wrong, in this instance, for Miss South Africa to perform in apartheid Israel.

We appeal to Lalela Mswane and will continue campaigning to ensure that Stephanie Weil, CEO of the Miss South Africa Organisation, does not use a young black South African woman to whitewash the crime of apartheid.

Our struggles against racism, settler colonialism and apartheid are intersectional. As the iconic Black American activist, academic and feminist Angela Davis said: “Palestinian activists have long supported the Black people’s struggle against racism. When I was in jail, solidarity coming from Palestine was a major source of courage for me. In Ferguson, Palestinians were the first to express international solidarity… We have a profound responsibility to support Palestinian struggles”.

We are confident that Mswane will go down in history as the Miss South Africa who truly represented South African women and our country by boycotting apartheid Israel, expressing her solidarity with the women of Palestine, standing against all forms of racism and for the just Palestinian struggle.


For more information please contact:

Noor Ahmad: 079 362 2126
Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League

Noam Lubinsky: 072 690 9668
South African Jews for a Free Palestine

Roshan Dadoo: 082 816 2799
South African BDS Coalition

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