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I have now lost count of the number of flights and the number of airports I have been through. 600 of them; 76 are international.
Each of these airports – be they City, Provincial or International, are goddesses to architecture. Resplendent design. Principles of sustainability used. Efficient in their core transportation functions to the hilt.
Then, there has been travel by road. I have lost count here too of the number and type of cars I have been in. One statistic remains though. Beijing, a city of 20 million residents has 8 million cars.
There is also the food, which nothing prepared me for. It varies and changes as you travel across China. Culturally specific, delicious in the extreme and nutritious.
I have drunk more tea in 2 weeks than I had in the 2 years preceding these 2 weeks. Something about the herbs used to brew tea here makes it irresistible to me. I keep gulping it down. And the cuisine culture is that as soon your cup gets topped, as soon as it is empty.
Then the countless hotels. Exemplars of Asian service standards. Those who know, know.
I had not encountered much Chinese art before this trip. After meeting some of the cognoscenti of the Chinese Art movement, my exclamation is: “Wow!”
They are right up there with the greats of our world. Pablo Picasso, El Anatsui, Ablade Glover, Michel Angelo, etc. I have been blown away totally by both the artistic productions and the sophisticated system that nurtures that production.
Chinese Philosophers, Chinese Technologists, scientists and manufacturers of the finest in the globe; digital capabilities of astonishing ability and comprehensive impact on society; deep thinking development Philosophers that are patently influenced by Confucian values; and more.
This is a clean, green, prosperous and peaceful society. Respect, harmony, hard work, harmony and reflection are common features of the Chinese way.
Since Mao, they also have a place for recreational leisure and know how to enjoy it. Balance in life is important to them.
I say it again – with no equivocation or ambiguity whatsoever – Deng Xiaopeng, to my modest capabilities, is easily one of the most historically significant personalities of the 20th Century.
Grit. Vision. Determination. Focus. Far seeing and long-term in orientation. Situationally strategic. Operationally savvy; Deng was a Maestro. He deserves much greater acknowledgement by Westerners, for sure.
In the last 100 years, if not more, Europe – to my mind – has not produced any leader that is the peer of Deng Xiaopeng, in terms of impact.
Hopefully, this does not generate much unnecessary debate. For Deng Xiaopeng led radical reforms in a country of 1.4 billion people. This has no precedent in the entirety of human history.
All this said, what I will remember most about China, as the emblem of its development sophistication, the flag of its very high civilisation, is its train system. With the signature piece of that system being the Bullet Train.
I had encountered the Singaporean train systems before. Many times actually. Clean, efficient, safe, digitised, reliable! Singapore makes London’s train systems – and keep in mind, I am impressed by the London train systems – look like items of antiquity.
No one stands in Singapore trains. Everyone is seated and comfortable. Seats are properly assigned – each one gets a specific coach, and a specific seat.
In London, when District Line arrives, we wait for those alighting to disembark. Then as we say in Africa, “we enter how we like.”
What Singapore has done with its train systems for 5 to 6 million people, China has done for 1.4 billion people.
Read that again – 1.4 billion people! The China I have encountered on this trip is best described as Singapore at scale. Impressive. I will be back often. For there is still lots to learn.
I have just done the 1,320kms journey from Beijing to Shanghai. 4 hours of travel, circa 1200 passengers on board the train. It is a marvel of Engineering. An exhibition of customer service of the most exquisite variety.
The auxiliary services aboard the trains are world class. The rail journey exposes you to Amazing China as you hurtle along at 350kms/hr.
Green. Bursting with infrastructure development at its seams. Clean. Mesmerising.
China is simply breathtaking. And I say this as a well journeyed man.
The achievements of the Chinese people must be eloquent inspiration to all the peoples of the Periphery.
Nothing that is good can be achieved without hardwork. Our leaders must be able to eat spicy food or else they have no business being leaders. We must think long-term transformation.
The Chinese do not offer their model as, “the way.” Nor am I.
The inspiration of the Chinese is that you must understand the environment and context you operate in. Then have the courage to be original and do what works for you.
They say their model worked for China. They do not know for sure it will work for anyone else. So figure out what works for you and you do it.
But do not try to tell them how to live their lives. They have proven they know what works. They remain willing to learn from anyone. But as equals.
When can we Africans say this too?
Yaw Nsarkoh,
23rd April 2023.
Outstanding feature
Outstanding feature
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