Read Time: 2 minutes        24th September, 2024 On the occasion of your 30th Congress, the Socialist Movement of Ghana extends its most profound solidarity to MVIWATA leaders and members and, indeed, all the militant…

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SMG Solidarity Message to MVIWATA

Read Time: 2 minutes

24th September, 2024

On the occasion of your 30th Congress, the Socialist Movement of Ghana extends its most profound solidarity to MVIWATA leaders and members and, indeed, all the militant peasants of Tanzania.
We share your aspirations for a prosperous, just, and united Africa. We applaud the strategy, methods, and tactics of struggle that MVIWATA has deployed consistently and for many years. We also applaud your commitment to pan-Africanism and internationalism.

We perceive the new challenges that face all the peoples of Africa – especially our peasant farmers, and the new tactics that are driving the imperialist campaign to more deeply exploit our labour and resources for the profit of a tiny global elite. These include the campaign to make land more directly available to local elites and corporate investors for intensive soil-destroying production – including through the pernicious carbon trading industry. We see the growing wave of legislation giving Western companies monopoly control over laboratory-developed “genetic” materials, implements, fertilisers and other inputs that increase farmers’ dependency on Capital. We see the doubling down on international trade systems that guarantee “market” control of the food value chain. All of this transfers enormous wealth from our countries to the global elite. All of this entrenches poverty in Africa. All of this robs the working class everywhere of nutritious food, thereby increasing humankind’s vulnerability to disease.

We hope in the years ahead, directly and through our collaboration in Pan Africa Today, to strengthen African resistance to Capital’s onslaught on this final frontier. We wish you fruitful deliberations and a year of clarity in struggle.
To victory!


Kwesi Pratt jnr General Secretary

8 thoughts on “SMG Solidarity Message to MVIWATA

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