Palestine Liberation Movement lobbies Ghana to vote against Israel from AU observers

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Dr Uri Davis

A leading member of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement Organization (PLMO) Dr. Uri Davis, has called on Ghana to side with other four African countries to vote against Israel’s bid for an Observer Status on the African Union (AU).

According to him, granting Israel the Observer Status in AU would automatically contradict the continental body’s support for the Palestinian struggles for justice and equality.

Dr. Uri Davis, who is currently the Deputy Commissioner-General for Political Affairs of the Palestine Liberation Movement “Fatch” International Relations Commission, made the comments at a press briefing in Accra on Monday, October 4, 2021.

Currently, Dr. Davis is leading a two-member Palestinian Delegation on a tour of five selected African countries, including Ghana, lobbying for support against Israel’s bid for the AU Observer Status.
Other African countries that the Palestine delegation billed to visit include Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal and The Gambia.
He was accompanied by Madam Kifah Harb, a Member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, a Palestinian women movement that sought justice for the marginalised.

Dr Uri Davis

The African Union Commission, in July this year, granted Observer Status to the State of Israel.
But the Israel Status is yet to be put up for discussion and approval at the AU’s Council of Foreign Ministers who are expected to have a meeting sometime in October 2021.
Per the AU convention, a two-third majority vote of the 55 AU Member States is required to grant the Status.
While recounting the issues surrounding the Palestine and Israel conflict, Dr. Davis said African nations should consider the injustice that Israel and its allied meted against Palestine and stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their liberation struggle.
He cited some human rights violations which Israel with the aid of its covert masters allegedly perpetrated against the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza territorials.

In his considered view, the Israeli blockade on Gaza could be described as an “apartheid system,” been hacked against the Palestinians.

Madam Kifah Harb also narrated the role Palestinian women played and continue to play in their struggle for liberation from Israeli occupation.

She noted that the women’s active agitation has led to some of the human rights violations somehow being reduced, while efforts continue to draw the international community’s attention.
On his part, the Palestine State Ambassador to Ghana, Mr. Abdulfattah Ahmed Khali Alsattari, explained that the only way the two-nation, Israel and Palestine could live peacefully is for the respect of territorial boundaries.

According to him, “All the Palestinian people support a peaceful resolution to this conflict,” but commended the Government of Ghana for endorsing the concept of the two states’ solution to end the century protracted conflict at the West Bank and Gaza.


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