Our hardship is worsening – TUC cries to government amid high taxes

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Our hardship is worsening - TUC cries to government amid high taxes ▷ Ghana  news | YEN.COM.GH

The trade union Trades is concerned about the “increasing pressures” on the people of Ghana The union’s leadership has referred the matter to the finance minister Ken Ofori Atta’s introduction of e-tax has sparked controversy PAY

The Ghana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) is calling for prudence in managing the economy to address the high levels of debt while addressing the difficulties. This follows what it describes as income falling below cost, leading to rising shortages and debt levels. In its review of the 2022 Budget Statement and the Government’s Economic Policies, TUC expressed concern about the deteriorating standard of living, caused by high living costs, low wages and unemployment. However, it welcomed the suspension of the Stabilization and Rehabilitation taxes on petrol, diesel, and LPG, but called for the permanent abolition of excise duty on petroleum products as required by the Ghana Private Road Transport Union. There are vacancies in many firms in Ghana but graduates don’t have the skills – Ken Ofori-Atta “Ghanaians are struggling.

The government must help them, ”he said. In addition, organized workers say that “there is an urgent need to close loopholes in the tax system. We have supported the establishment of Revenue Assurance, Compliance and Enforcement (RACE).

We called on the government to pass a tax exemption bill and move forward with the drafting process. We have called on the government to pay more attention to local taxes and to work with the District / Municipal / Metropolitan Assemblies to collect property taxes ”, he said as part of his pre-budget proposals. However, he said “we do not see any response to the proposed increase in taxes on tobacco, alcohol, commodities and sugary beverages”, although he praised the government for certain initiatives to be implemented in 2022 which include strengthening Revenue and Compliance Guarantee. Enforcement (RACE), amending the Tax Exemptions Bill to be passed and come into effect in 2022 and the implementation of the Employment Equity Act. Source: Yen.com.gh Read more:

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