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James April and his friend, Basil February, were among the first Coloured people to join the ANC’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), thereby recognising the common struggle of all black people in South Africa. James was born and grew up in Bokmakierie, near Athlone, Cape Town. He attended Alexander Sinton High School. He later registered as a student at the University of Cape Town but dropped out after two years. In 1964, James and Basil went into exile.
They became members of the Luthuli Detachment of MK who engaged in the Wankie Campaign; a joint mission between the ANC and ZAPU (Zimbabwe African People’s Union). On 22 August 1967, guerrillas from (MK) engaged members of the Rhodesian security forces in battle. After a fierce battle, the Rhodesian security forces fled.
The last clash between the guerrillas and Rhodesian soldiers took place on 4 September 1967. By then, some of the guerrillas had been killed, some had been imprisoned by the Rhodesian authorities and some had found refuge in Zambia or Swaziland. Others like James, found themselves in Botswana where they were arrested for being in possession of illegal arms.
Towards the end of 1970, James made a clandestine return to South Africa. He was arrested on charges of undergoing military training and attempting to overthrow the South African government through revolutionary means. He served a 15-year sentence on Robben Island. While in prison, he continued his studies and obtained a BA-degree.
James April was released on 10 May 1986 and returned to Cape Town after a 22-year absence. He was barred from the teaching profession by the Coloured education department. After the unbanning of the ANC, he became an officer in the South African National Defence Force.